Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Lip Gloss & November Meeting

Our November meeting was a blast!  Thanks again to Pastor Lamar and his wife Lynn for giving up their time to share from their hearts about marriage.  Whether you were at the meeting, or you're checking the blog because you missed it, you might enjoy this video.  Anita Renfroe is a Christian comedian who depicts a more REAL love story in this knock-off of the Taylor Swift song "Love Story."   :-)  Here is the link:

Anita Renfroe - Love Story

Another thing we did at the November meeting is made our own lip gloss!  Here is the recipe and instructions for anyone who missed it, or if anyone was interested in making some for Christmas gifts this year.  If you have questions about the recipe, where to find ingredients locally or anything, just comment to the blog and I (Amelia) will respond to your question.  You can also just contact me directly.


This recipe yields a little over 1 tablespoon of lip gloss, so plan accordingly.  (~1 teaspoon will fill 1 chap stick tube)

1 tsp. beeswax
1 tsp. sunflower oil (or safflower, grape seed, or other mild oil.  I used safflower.)
2 tsp. coconut oil
1 capsule vitamin E
2 - 5 drops of essential oil or scent/flavoring of choice (we used peppermint and vanilla oils)

Heat oils and beeswax just until melted.  Add the rest of the ingredients.  (I find it easiest to cut upon the vit E capsule and squeeze it into the mix, discarding the empty capsule)  Mix well.  Use a dropper to place in tubes of small jars. 

At our MOPS mtg., we tinted our lip gloss by adding a Mary Kay lipstick sample to our individually lip gloss.  You can also scrape off some of your favorite lip stick from the tube to tint.   Play around with it!  If you have glitter that you're comfortable having on your lips, try adding some of that.

Happy crafting!

*This recipe is originally from Dining on a Dime Cookbook by Tawra Kellam and Jill Cooper of http://www.livingonadime.com/, and was modified to fit my personal preferences. 

Monday, September 20, 2010

Upcoming Playdate

We're off to a great start this Fall.  A few moms enjoyed long chats over coffee at Starbuck's last week for our first Mom's Night Out.  Now this Tuesday (tomorrow, the 21st) will be our first Playdate of the season.  Bring your kids to let out some energy and enjoy playing with friends at Sandalwood Park in Farmington.  We will be meeting at 10 a.m.  Please bring a picnic lunch for you and your little ones.  See you there!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Testing, Testing 1...2...3...

This is just a little test post to show you all how a post and photo will appear on the blog, in case you are unfamiliar with blogs. Feel free to comment below, just to check out how the comments work. (I'll delete this post later if we decide to go ahead and run with the blog...)

Have a great week!
